Monday, July 12, 2010

Dry Hair Desert

My hair is still strangely very dry and brittle and I believe it is the lemon and peppermint tea fusion that has caused this. It is SO dry and I have tried a few things to soften it, but to no avail. Wearing it in a ponytail seems to make it worse so I am not going to wearing my hair in a ponytail but instead, plait it after moisturizing it for a few days until it is somewhat softer.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Today my hair is dry and rough like sandpaper. It's pretty bad. Then I got home and softened it with an olive oil creme by Hollywood Beauty which helped a lot. The reason I picked this one out, about $12 with taxes is because it contains vitamins A, B,C & E and chamamile, calendula, Macadamia nut oil (remember I told you about this stuff?) sage, rosemary, coconut oil, burdock extract, and obviously olive oil. While EXTRACTS are not as good as the unrefined pure oil, it's OK for $12. I just use it to soften up my hair when it's dry.
However, this isn't something I'd use DAILY in my hair to keep it soft and touchable. I would recommend an organic, natural product for every day use like Ojon. It is very pricy. These two Ojon products will cost you $100 but it is worth it if you want very soft hair, and very strong and healthy hair. I love splurging on Ojon at Sephora's. It is worth the money, it smells fabulous and I love how potent this wildcrafted nut is. While keeping a big $10 bottle of Hollywood Beauty is fine just to quickly soften up your hair once in a while, daily care should be used with products of quality, first-rate ingredients.

Other quality products for soft touchable hair on every day use include

1.Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead GodHead™ Red Tea & HoneyBee Hair Cream. average price $25-$35
2. Carole's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter $16.50
3. Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum $30
4. Dr. Bronner's Magic Organic Hair Coconut\Lavender $10

Thursday, July 8, 2010

HairCare for Sleepovers

If you are sleeping over someone's home, especially a non-Black person who doesn't understand why you are sleeping with a silk scarf on your head or why your hair is in not worry. One day without plaiting your way won't reverse the months of hard work you put into your tresses.

But, do try to take some care of your hair. As you are also packing your toothbrush, do not forget to pack a small spray bottle of some sort of moisturizer whether its a mix of honey and water or olive oil and water; or pure jojoba oil. Be sure to spritz your hair before bed with it, especially at the ends, and to keep it from shrinking, put your hair up in a bun\ponytail. If your hair is REALLY short and cannot make a ponytail, then cover your hair with a bandana after spritzing some moisturizer on it.

When you wake up, moisturize and comb out your hair before you style it. Whenever I sleep at a friend's place or my fiancee's; I have the WORST hair because I am not taking 1 hour to plait my hair before bed when we are going clubbing, etc. I may just use a hair straightener to keep it looking "long" as it shrinks overnight. But be sure to bring something like a bandana to cover your hair so it will not dry out in the morning and shrink, and be sure to bring a moisturizer and comb and hair band. Some people do not understand you cannot just go to bed with your hair "out" like theirs. If you have time, try to incorporate some plaits\braids under your bandana. This will also leave you with sweet, wavy hair in the morning.

Hair Goal: Grow Out the Nape + Shine

I plan to grow out the nape of my hair starting next week when I take a trip down to the wonderful health shops that sell unrefined coconut oil and all the other goodies. My goal is to grow out the nape of my hair to be as long as the hair in the front. I am still taking care of my nape hair but next week I'll have better tools. I also am really craving shiny hair. I hate how dull my hair looks!

For shiny hair, it is best to use avocado in your hair. Just mash up one avocado really well and distribute it through your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash off. Avocados are high in fatty acids and nutrients.

Rich in alpha-hydroxy acids, apple cider vinegar helps break down residue build-up leaving your hair soft and full of shine. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and it will be shining in no time. This is a new one for me, and this vinegar is so cheap. I'll definitely be picking some up the next time I'm at the supermarket.

It's hard for curly hair to be shiny so don't forget to drink a lot of water, eat your fatty acids (think olive oil, salmon, almonds and avocado) and if you will use a store-brought hair shine product, try to use it sparingly!!!!

Nighttime Care

This is one variation of how I prepare my hair for night-time. Sometimes I plait my entire head with two strands but I was very lazy today and it's way too hot so I just used jasmine to moisture the ends and plaited 4 strands in the front, and put my hair up in 3 little bun balls at the back. I cover my hair when I sleep too and I have to invest in a silk pillowcase. The reason my hair looks so shiny is because I added a bit of jasmine hair oil.
I do not take my hair out until I am ready to go out for the day, and when I get home I usually plait my hair right away after detangling and combing through it with a wide toothed comb. It is important to either plait or put the hair at the back of your head in hairbands because that hair is always the shortest with Black people. I think it is because you always sleep on it. I have no idea, but I have to take especially good care of my back hair which is much drier and shorter than the hair in the front. It is initially this hair that will make your hair grow long and this hair will reach your shoulders first; so it is wise to invest a lot of time and moisture into the back of your hair\nape. I recommend plaiting it and securing it with bobby pins if it is really short, or keeping the back hair in a separate hairband at night with some coconut oil or jojoba oil. This hair is very stubborn and grows last, but it's growth is most important because it grows longer and the rest of your hair will grow thicker and grow "up" not down. If you want LONG hair, grow your back hair and keep it from breaking\splitting with deep conditioning treatments 2x a month.

Your Hair Is Your Crown- Love It Like One!

I always grew my hair for about 6-9 months than sabotaged it with a haircut. Here ---> I am about 2 years ago with my fiancee and I cut my hair December 2009. Like completely bald on the sides. I regret it. But I promise myself not to cut my hair, and just to be patient and take good care of it by plaiting it at night, combing it, moisturizing it and using natural products. My hair has never been LONG but it has been healthy and strong; and that's important. Even if I achieve chin-length hair I'll be happy. White women are smug about their hair, always swinging it about and running their hands through it. It seems like they are sending me a message, "You aren't a real woman because you don't have my luscious hair." Well, maybe some day I will. :) Until then, I'm very happy with what I have. I love my hair and how wavy it is and how it responds to different products (castor oil REALLY makes it soft). Anyways, if you are in the midst of having natural hair but feel frustrated...DO NOT CHOP IT OFF. And definitely DO NOT PERM IT. Your hair is your crown. Love it like one.